Catholic Women's League (CWL)


Mission Statement

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.


The Patroness of the Catholic Women's League is Our Lady of Good Counsel.


We encourage all women ages 16 and up to consider joining the CWL. Your membership ensures our council can continue serving our parish. Please read the More information about the CWL to find out who we are and what we do. To join, provide your name, address, phone number and email address along with a cheque for $40 in an envelope marked CWL and drop it in the collection basket at Mass. You can also email your info to and etransfer $40 to with a note CWL membership or simply contact the Parish Office.


Note: You don’t have to attend our meetings to get involved. If you have given us your email address you will receive the meeting agenda before the meeting and can email a response, concern or comment that will be brought forward at the meeting. After the meeting, you will receive minutes of the meeting, keeping you informed on information shared or decisions made. You can email comments then too. We value everyone’s participation whether in person or online!


2024/2025 CWL Executive


President – Deirdre Ward (
Past President – Barb Vodicka
Vice President - Monique Conlin Secretary – Leona Weishar
Treasurer – Cheryl Dunn
Standing Committee Chairs:
Faith - Iris Miltenburg
Service - Karolina Amos
Social Justice - Colleen Jack


Thank you to our current members for your dedication and acts of charity and good works. Continue to be role models through active participation in events and ministries and be sure to participate in our monthly meetings so we can get your input on many important initiatives we have.

Many hands make light work.


Click here for the calendar of 2023/2024 events



Dear Friends,

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has said that the next budget is about "housing, housing, housing". She has stated that supply and affordability are top of mind for her government. But that doesn't mean that the government is focused on Canada's most marginalized people who are on the edge of becoming homeless or already experiencing it.

Political decision-makers are taking the pulse of Canadians leading up to the budget and Freeland is paying close attention to news about housing. Each day, advisors in her office scour news clippings from across the country for mention of their work — and a report lands on the Minister’s desk with every mention, informing the choices they make.

One way we can be heard in this report is through the letters to the editor. And right now, your opinion matters more than ever.

Will you send a message with our letter-to-the editor tool and get your thoughts in the Minister’s media briefing?